By Sister Nancy Gilchriest, SSND

“Thank you so much!” “I am grateful!” “We are very blessed!”
Our Sisters’ expressions of gratitude could be heard throughout the afternoon at Ozanam Hall during a Thanksgiving party hosted by Sisters Bernadette Alfieri and Cathy Feeney.
The afternoon began with a prayer service with different Sisters reading parts of the prayer, followed by refreshments and visiting.
Sister John Mary Hayes provided the music, which brought about dancing by Sister Bernadette and me, as I arrived just in time for the fun!
Sister Regina Mulenga joined in the celebration, encouraging the Sisters to applaud when Bern and I were finished!
Driving home from the party, those grateful comments echoed in my ears, because it was not the first time I heard our Sisters say “thank you.” Rather, I hear it every time I go to see our Sisters at Ozanam.
I am reminded of a passage by Joyce Rupp in her book, "Out of the Ordinary":
Companioning God, grant me peace of mind and heart as I reflect on…
the ways you have been with me…Encourage me to find the many, many
aspects of my life that call me to gratitude and wonder.
Our Sisters at Ozanam do find many, many aspects of their lives that allow them to be grateful.
As for me, I say to our Sisters at Ozanam: “Thank you so much!” “I am grateful!” “We are very blessed!”