By Sister Jean Phelan, SSND
So many memories are of gifts and meals, but my favorite Christmas memory is of Tiddlywinks. Can you imagine?
Every Christmas Day, after mass and dinner, the family would gather on the floor of our small apartment's front room. We only just fit, sharing space as we did with the Christmas tree, Dad's chair, an upright piano and a couch. The carpet, showing its age, was perfectly flat. Ideal for Tiddlywinks!
Being together was so special. Dad wasn't always able to be home with us. He had been injured by shrapnel in World War I. When the shrapnel became troublesome, he had to make another trip to the hospital.
On Christmas Day, though, Daddy was home and Mom was free from all the activities she led at St. Alphonsus school and parish. It was the best present ever!