Advancing Real Change – Baltimore, MD
The mission of Advancing Real Change, Inc. is to create a more just world by advancing empathy, dignity, and equity within and beyond the criminal legal system.
Grant: To help provide legal assistance to those who cannot afford it.
Bishop Kearney High School – Rochester, NY
A Roman Catholic educational institution with a middle school subdivision, serving students in grades 6 – 12, in a suburb of Rochester, New York.
Grant: Tuition assistance for twin girls for their 2025-2026 junior year.
Catholic Mobilizing Network – Washington, DC
Catholic Mobilizing Network is a national organization that mobilizes Catholics and all people of goodwill to value life over death, to end the use of the death penalty, to transform the U.S. criminal legal system from punitive to restorative, and to build capacity in U.S. society to engage in restorative practices.
Grant: To support the overall functioning of this work.
Central Park East – New York, NY
The Community Peace Garden Project provides experiential, meaningful learning that addresses the lack of fresh produce in East Harlem.
Grant: To support the overall functioning of this project.
Cooperative for Education – Cincinnati, OH
Dedicated to educational development in Guatemala through self-sustaining textbook, library, computer, and scholarship programs.
Grant: A “Padrino Sponsorship” of $5,000 supports 34 mostly female students in San Martín Jilotepeque.
Doorways of NWFL – Panama City, FL
The mission of Doorways NWFL is to promote partnerships that will reduce and prevent homelessness in Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington counties.
Grant: To support the overall functioning of this work.
Holy Cross Catholic Preschool – West Palm Beach, FL
Holy Cross Catholic Preschool and Center serves children, from 3 months to 5 years old and their families. The enrollment of nearly 100 students consists of a diverse economic and cultural population. An afterschool ESL program assists adults in learning English.
Grant: To create an outdoor space with a Rosary garden to gather to pray, reflect, and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.
Idea Global-Mission Partners – Mt. St. Joseph, OH
Idea Global trains facilitators to lead Indigenous mothers’ circles for child development and enrichment and nutritional support.
Grant: To hire and train a local facilitator to lead a mother’s group in a new location.
One Child Network – Ontario, CA
OneChild is a multiple award-winning international charity and the first in the world to empower a child and youth-led movement against the sexual exploitation of children, through Prevention Education, Advocacy, Mobilization, Survivor Care, and Survivor Empowerment.
Grant: To support the overall functioning of this work.
Partners in Sustainable Development – Columbia, MO
This US fundraising agency of the Poverty Education Program (PEP) is working towards eradicating extreme poverty.
Grant: This project will improve the health and well-being of poor women and adolescent girls in the areas of Sadar and Barhatta in Netrokona (rural Bangladesh).
Safeguard Initiative-Kenya – Nairobi, Kenya
Offering training programs for pastoral agents across Kenya; providing counseling, spiritual, educational, and medical support, and supporting two widows by completion of housing and purchasing of necessary items.
Grant: To support the two widows (an elderly woman caring for 3 orphans and a young unemployed widow with 3 children) in the completion of building the houses that were destroyed by the heavy rains in May 2024.
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center – Baltimore, MD
The mission of St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center Inc. is to create and maintain equal housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income people, primarily in Baltimore City, and to encourage and support strong and diverse neighborhoods.
Grant: Supporting their Journey of Hope programming, which is designed for young adults, aged 18-24, who are starting the adult chapter of their lives experiencing homelessness, often with little to no family or financial support.
St. Ann Place Outreach Center – West Palm Beach, FL
St. Ann Place has provided services to homeless women, men, and families in West Palm Beach for the past 21 years.
Grant: Provide four (4) felons full-time employment at SAPOC; mentoring to prepare employees for future employment and to provide financial management training.
St. John’s Bread & Life – Brooklyn, NY
Their mission is to ensure access to healthy, nutritious food, coupled with services helping people work towards greater independence.
Grant: Bread & Life’s central project goal is to furnish diapers (and more) to at least 1,000 new mothers for their children in fiscal year 2025.
Tucson Samaritans – Tucson, AZ
To save lives and relieve the suffering of migrants in Southern Arizona
Grant: To keep two vehicles in operational health; provide aid and comfort to asylum seekers and prevent suffering and death among migrants.
UMB School of Social Work – Baltimore, MD
Our mission at the University of Maryland School of Social Work is to develop practitioners, leaders, and scholars to advance the well-being of populations and communities and to promote social justice.
Grant: This funding will enable social worker graduates to extend services to those made poor by the very nature of their work.
Well for the Journey – Lutherville, MD
To encourage and support spiritual well-being, connection, and community by offering opportunities for engagement and growth.
Grant: To develop a green space; establish a program plan for the Well at the Woods, tailored to a variety of audiences and topics; and pilot a partnership with at least one nonprofit via the Mobile Well Outreach.
Women’s Pastoral Ministry – San Pedro, Guatemala
The mission of Women’s Pastoral Ministry is to support the continued evolving of the 1994 goal of the Diocesan Pastoral Commission of San Marcos in establishing and maintaining ongoing pastoral work with the women and children of rural Guatemala.
Grant To support women in leadership positions; increase the number of women graduating from high school and preparing them for community service (health, education, social work, etc.) and to sustain and provide quality healthcare at the clinic for those who cannot afford the care.