"We Go as Family!"

Sister Arlene Gibson, SSND

By Sister Arlene Gibson, SSND

Shortly before my dad died, even though he was not Catholic, he liked to go to Midnight Mass and take Ken, Jerry and myself. 

I remember the usher meeting us at the door and saying that children were not allowed at the midnight Mass.

But my father said, “We go as family!” I felt proud that he defended us.

So we went in.

My mother made homemade nut bread with “yellow” (golden) raisins and dates. After Midnight Mass, we opened our presents and ate the bread and Christmas cookies. 

I can visualize the bay window in our house, and the Christmas tree in the center, with a chair on either side. My dad gave out the presents. My older brother, Ken, gave out the presents after Dad died. 

Christmas really touched me.