By Sister Justine Nutz, SSND
It was our 175th Foundation Day, Oct. 24, 2008. Sister Ginny Bobrowski, principal, had invited me to come to the Academy of the Holy Angels to speak to the student body about Mother Theresa. My talk was to include the history, spirit and mission of SSND, along with the faithfulness of AHA to Theresa’s educational vision.
I was very familiar with students’ short attention spans during serious talks, so I asked AHA teacher Sister Peggy McGaffney to help me think of a few ways to capture the attention of 500 girls. We prepared a PowerPoint of many photos to accompany my talk, and I decided to speak in the first person, wearing the full original habit.
After the presentation, we 23 Sisters renewed our vows on the stage, and the girls presented each of us with a rose. Leaving the auditorium, one of the 9th year girls whispered to a teacher, “Was that really Mother Theresa?”
Ginny’s request in 2008 launched my 10-year acting career, mostly as Mother Theresa, sometimes Mother Paschal or Mother Caroline, always in habit.
Invitations included 18 presentations, some twice. Each 30- 40 minute presentation required much historical research: the Institute of Notre Dame and Villa Assumpta in Baltimore, Marian Village and Resurrection Life in Chicago, Notre Dame Convent in Canada, Villa Notre Dame and Lourdes in Wilton, St. Peter’s in Philadelphia, Elm Grove in Milwaukee, a Long Island gathering, a 160th SSND anniversary in Rochester and a 100th in Puerto Rico. Each was unique!
An album with each talk and photos is one of my treasures. When the curtain comes down on my life, the album can be sent to our Archives. Perhaps Theresa will appear again in 2033, sharing her reflections at our 200th SSND Foundation Day celebration!

Sisters in this 2008 photo include, l-r (seated): +Genevieve Kelleher, Eileen Shea, Margaret Strauch, +Mona O’Connell; l-r (standing): Eileen Casey, +Joan Connelly, Madeline Hanson, Pat Hammond, Bea Ste. Marie, Rebecca Tayag, Carole Tabano, Justine Nutz, Josefina Morales, Henrice Eckert, Mary Foley, +Catherine Green, Janice Algie, +Peggy McGaffney, Kathy Vasselli, Mary Lennon, +Virginia Sebert, Karen Kane, Ginny Bobrowski. (Deceased Sisters are indicated by +)