Pray with Us

With hope and peace, we enter into the joy of the Lord!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Together we pray with and for each other, we invite you to share your prayer requests with the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Prayer requests are posted internally to our Sisters so as to protect the privacy of those requesting prayers.

Please send your prayer request to our communications team by filling out our form.

Prayer requests will remain on the Prayer Request list for approximately one month, but you can re-send them as often as you like.

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Prayer Request

Pray with Us

"Compassion is not a beautiful feeling, it is not pietism; it means creating a new bond with the other. The world needs this creative and active charity, people who do not stand in front of a screen to comment, but instead, people who get their hands dirty to remove degradation and restore dignity."
Sister Kathy Schmittgens and Sister Lucille Coughlin wrote a beautiful Lenten reflection as part of the Central Pacific Province’s Laudato Si' Action Platform Implementation Team. They connect Laudato Si’ quotes with readings of the Gospel. Follow along each week with a different reflection!
Preaching on Catholic Women Preach, for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sister Eileen Reilly, SSND offers a reflection on the gospel's call to "be perfect" through the lens of her ministry with people who have lost loved ones to violence and murder.