Pray with Us

With hope and peace, we enter into the joy of the Lord!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Together we pray with and for each other, we invite you to share your prayer requests with the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Prayer requests are posted internally to our Sisters so as to protect the privacy of those requesting prayers.

Please send your prayer request to our communications team by filling out our form.

Prayer requests will remain on the Prayer Request list for approximately one month, but you can re-send them as often as you like.

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Prayer Request

Pray with Us

The vulnerability and particularity of the Christ Child reminds us that he was hardly the Messiah anticipated. And perhaps, even today, hardly the Messiah easily embraced. This Christ Child invites us into a fuller realization of what some theologians call the “deep incarnation” – fragile,...
Climate change is a source of trouble for all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, social class – there is only one atmosphere, only one earth, only one great ocean, only one finite planet we all share.
Gaudete Sunday reminds us there is hope in the waiting, hope in the chaos. Hope in a new birth, hope in Emmanuel, God with us. Children are born with hope that the world will love them, that the world will keep them safe.