SisterHouse is a faith-oriented community of women offering a temporary home to women seeking recovery from substance abuse. SisterHouse was founded in 1982 by Sister Anne Mayer, SSND, as a part of the Institute of Women Today.
Through a daily environment fostering peace, respect, and spiritual maturity, SisterHouse empowers women to participate constructively in society. The community at SisterHouse lives together in a family environment where all share the commitment to continued growth in all dimensions. Each new member is welcomed with genuine loving care that is sustained throughout the program until she begins her new life.
In the feminist tradition, SisterHouse functions with shared responsibility, relationships and frequent communication.

Easter came early this year!
Learn about SisterHouse
SisterHouse is a faith-oriented community of women offering a temporary home to women seeking recovery from substance abuse. SisterHouse was founded in 1982 by Sister Anne Mayer, SSND, as a part of the Institute of Women Today.