Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions
Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions

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Take action by writing a letter or signing a petition.
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Published Weekly, Dare to Care represents
news and actions you can take regarding the province's five commitments!
Dare to Care - Then to Act
This week learn about The Manifest Modernization Act, introduced November 2, will impact trading in goods produced by forced labor and watch a new video series, "God's Creation Needs You", featuring six Catholic communities engaged in climate action.
Ending Human Trafficking: Supply Chains
In the drive for cheap products and services, from consumer electronics and garments to services such as cleaning, landscaping, and shipping, forced labor exists in every stage of the supply chain. As you purchase holiday gifts, consider what...
Justice for Immigrants: Province Survey Results
The results of our province-wide survey of 94 participants are in! Click here to view the summary. Contact...
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
- YOU ARE SENT, SSND Constitution