Green Habits
“Act as if your house is on fire because it is!”
These words of the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg is a rallying call for all of us to DO SOMETHING to radically reduce the greenhouse gases that are warming the planet at a threatening rate and compromising the sustainability of Earth and the lives of all of us who call this beautiful planet, “home.” There’s no denying it.
Climate change and global warming are real.
Did You Know: The production and use of plastics, filled with petrochemicals, doubled in the last 20 years? Since plastic is made from petroleum-based chemicals plastics contaminate the atmosphere, poison the soil, and are increasingly contaminating oceans, rivers, and wildlife. While we might only use a plastic bag for less than an hour, they last more than 500 years in our waterways and landfills.
What you can do: Join the AMSSND Green Habits Campaign! Every month we will publish a “Green Habit” that you can take on that will contribute to the global effort to help curb the rise in global temperatures and catastrophic climate events. Act as if our house is on fire because it is!

Integral Ecology - Reimagine - Recreate - Restore
Start today to explore the ways we can embark on the journey toward Integral Ecology, a holistic perspective and strategy to promote both a flourishing earth and a flourishing human community.

Global Catholic Climate Movement Is Calling Us to Action in 2020

Skip the Straw - Green Habit