By Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND, Director of Associates
It is my delight and privilege to share with you a list of the AMSSND Associates who will be celebrating a milestone anniversary in 2024.
These women pray with us, participate in local and congregational activities, and strive to live Gospel values in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa.
Together we are called to bring all to oneness in God, empower others to reach the fullness of their potential, and be transformed and to transform our world.
Let us continue to pray in thanksgiving for all our Associates as we go forth with each other to live The Call of the 25th General Chapter.
Click here for the names of the Associates!
Photos Top Left - L-R Sylvia Palm, Mary Anne O'Donnell and S Patricia McLaughlin
Top Right - L-R S. Mary Frances Angermaier and Peggy Russell
Bottom Left - L-R Dawn Graf and Madelyn Ball
Bottom Right - L-R Cathy Schoonover and Wanda McAfee-Randall