Become an Associate

Chicago Associates Host Lenten Retreat

By SSND Associate Kathi Barth

On March 9, 2024, Sisters, Associates, and guests gathered for their annual Lenten Retreat.  This year’s leader, Sister Lorrita Verhey, SSND, chose the theme “Did You See him?” 

Do You Know?

Do you know that the Associate relationship is an invitation to women and men who feel called to live the gospel values in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa, our foundress?

What Makes Us One series: Embracing Winter: Nature’s Pathway to Healing

It is not too late to experience our recent What Makes Us One series:  “Embracing Winter: Nature’s Pathway to Healing.”  The What Makes Us One series seeks to provide opportunities to trace the web of our connectedness to our true selves, each other, creation and God, through the prism of poetry, spirituality, science, history, and human rights.

Peg Smith - Indefinite Convant

On December 21, Maryland Associate Peg Smith made the SSND Indefinite Covenant, a lifetime commitment, at her mother’s home in Arnold, Maryland.  Peg’s mother, Lynne Killam, was present and joined in the prayer service.  Suzy Blackburn represented the Sisters of AMSSND in accepting Peg’s covenant.

Peggy Ann Russell Says Yes

By Associate Peggy Ann Russell 

Being part of a faith community, as an Associate, is a remarkable experience. Praying and socializing together is life-giving. Two good friends also became Associates, and I've become close to many others as well.

Associates Gather to Reflect on You Are Sent

What does You Are Sent have to say to associates? “You Are Sent . . .for Mission” was Sister Rosemary Howarth’s message to AMSSND associates who gathered by Zoom on June 13 and 14.  In the initial session, Sister Rosemary placed the current Constitution within the context of the evolution of the original Rule.

Jordan’s Phone - A Reflection by Amy Larocque-Rumano

I have never given the choice of the color of my phone much significance... but if Jordan had gotten a black phone and pulled it out at the “wrong” moment, like in the presence of a police officer, he might very well have been shot. He imagined, as the images reflect along the top, that his death (coffin) would become one of those headlines that resulted in justice protests.  

Northeast Associates Renew Covenants

Associates and companions met for a prayer service. Sr. Maureen Flemming led the SSND Commitment as a Laudato Si' Community and discussed what that meant. We enjoyed lunch, and then had a brief covenant renewal ceremony.

Lesson from the Holy Land

Standing atop Mt. Tabor, the place of Jesus' transfiguration, Associate Karen Didier was awestruck. "We are all called to the mountaintop to be with Jesus. But we must go down from the mountain and serve the people God puts into our lives."

What Makes Us One - Can We Talk - Can We Listen

Can we move through our visceral reactions and talk across an apparent gulf? Do we have enough openness and curiosity to listen? In the next session of What Makes Us One, we will explore these questions.  On October 22, 9:30-12:00, via Zoom, join us for a morning of virtual learning, reflection, conversation, and sharing of stories and insights, including time in break-out groups.

Listening and Responding to the Cries of the Poor

On Saturday April 9, Southern Ontario Associates, along with friends and family, were privileged to have as guest speaker at our Zoom gathering Sherri Ramirez, the DeMazenod Door Outreach coordinator.