Become an Associate

Meet Associate Daphne E. Queen

Two Professors at the University (Sister Sharon Kanis & Sister Eileen Eppig) taught these subjects so inspirationally. I became interested in the SSND Associates Program. I read about it so I pursued this awesome endeavor!

Meet Our Associates!

Some SSND Associates submitted brief introductions for the January Provincial Assembly. We will share excerpts over the coming weeks!

A Waterdown Covenanting Celebration

On October 19, 2024, a beautiful and sunny autumn day, Associates in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, gathered for their Expression of Covenant with the SSNDs at Waterdown. Enjoy these photos and a report by Christine Oats!

Thoughts on Native American Heritage Month

I can’t grieve for Russia’s attack on Ukraine, I can’t be horrified by the Nazi Holocaust and not acknowledge that this country I call “mine” is built on, exists because of, actions every bit as repellant. 

Chicago Celebrates First Covenant

On Sunday, September 15, Chicago-area Sisters and Associates gathered at Marian Village for a simple but beautiful Covenanting ceremony. The community celebrated the First Covenant of Sheila Broderick, and the Recovenanting of six Chicago-area Associates.

SSND Community Gathers for Covenanting

On Saturday, September 28, Associates from the New Jersey and Connecticut area gathered at The Watermark in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to celebrate the first covenant of Carol Jakab and to renew their own covenants.

Chicago Associates Host Lenten Retreat

By SSND Associate Kathi Barth

On March 9, 2024, Sisters, Associates, and guests gathered for their annual Lenten Retreat.  This year’s leader, Sister Lorrita Verhey, SSND, chose the theme “Did You See him?” 

Do You Know?

Do you know that the Associate relationship is an invitation to women and men who feel called to live the gospel values in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa, our foundress?