Become an Associate

Confronting Racial Inequities in the Catholic Church

Meet Associate Daphne E. Queen

Meet Associate Pat Stortz

Mary Anne O’Donnell, SSND Associate - New Sponsor Council Member

Meet Our Associates!

Chicago Sisters and Associates Enjoy Holiday Gathering
By Associate Karen Didier
On Sunday, December 8th, about 20 Sisters and Associates gathered at Marian Village for a fun party.

Maryland First Covenanting and Re-Covenanting

A Waterdown Covenanting Celebration

What Makes Us One: Face-to-Face and Heart-to-Heart Encounters

Thoughts on Native American Heritage Month

Chicago Celebrates First Covenant

SSND Community Gathers for Covenanting

Associates Innovate Program for Underrepresented Kids

Visiting Our Japanese Sisters

Connecticut Associate Celebrates 25 Years!

Florida Associate Celebrates 20 Years

How One Woman's World Opened Up

Ontario Associate Celebrates 35 Years
By Theresa Harvey
I have been involved with SSND for about 80 years. My parents helped the order in our parish and school.

Associates Gather to Hear The Call
By Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND
On Tuesday evening, June 11th, and Wednesday, June 12th, Associates from the Central Pacific and the Atlantic Midwest Provinces gathered via zoom to hear about The Call of the 25th General Chapter.

Associates Celebrate Anniversaries
By Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND, Director of Associates
It is my delight and privilege to share with you a list of the AMSSND Associates who will be celebrating a milestone anniversary in 2024.

Visiting The Hill in Canada with ORCIE

Chicago Associates Host Lenten Retreat
By SSND Associate Kathi Barth
On March 9, 2024, Sisters, Associates, and guests gathered for their annual Lenten Retreat. This year’s leader, Sister Lorrita Verhey, SSND, chose the theme “Did You See him?”