NDP celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a liturgy, led by Bishop Adam Parker and Deacon Tim Maloney. Special thanks to Ashley Nwafor ’19 for delivering a wonderful Call to Worship, all the members of Campus Ministry and the Liturgy Band, the 7th grade for providing our Communion Meditation, and to the NDP community for such a great environment to grow in our Faith.
A Catholic Review article prominently featured NDP students and described the lovely Catholic Schools Week Liturgy
“Over and over again, I have found the courage to do things I never thought I could because I have been part of such amazing Catholic school communities with teachers and staff who cared about me beyond my grades,” Nwafor said in the Call to Worship, an opportunity for Notre Dame Prep students to share their faith stories at the beginning of school Masses. “I knew that I could dare, dream, leap, stumble and fall because there were people along the way who would catch me or help me get back up.” Ashley Nwafor, a senior at Notre Dame Preparatory School
Read the entire story here in the Catholic Review