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Call to Prayer
Leader: Today we rejoice in the feast day of Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger and reflect on her legacy as it unfolds in the Call of the 25th General Chapter. Let us listen to the words from You Are Sent and let us pray with Theresa and The Call and Acts of the 25th General Chapter.
Reader: As members of an international congregation, we recognize our obligation and opportunities to develop a world vision and a sense of global responsibility. Our internationality challenges us to witness to unity in a divided world; to discover unsuspected ways of sharing what we have, especially with the poor and marginalized; and to search for new channels of service in the universal church. (YAS C26)
Opening Song: I Am Willing - Holly Near - Social Justice ( [4:00 min]
Reader: Theresa said: United and content with little, we go out into the whole world, into the tiniest villages, into the poorest dwellings, wherever the Lord calls us, to bring poor children the good news of God’s kingdom.
All: Compelled by the urgent crises of our times, we, School Sisters of Notre Dame, “longing for the oneness of all in God,” commit to actions that deepen our relationships of communion, wherever we are. (The Call)
Reader: Theresa said: May the Lord of the vineyard give growth so that what his love has called into being may bear blessed fruit in its time. (3339)
All: We are committed to sustaining our charism and life in mission as a faith-filled, welcoming, and inclusive community. We acknowledge our own complicity in the social sin of our global community, and we commit ourselves to further systemic change. (The Call)
Reader: Theresa said: Love is the sign through which the world should be convinced that we believe in Jesus. (949)
All: We strive to be credible witnesses of universal communion through deepening our efforts to live as an intercultural faith community of one mind and one heart. (The Call)
Quiet Reflection Followed by Sharing

How are the spirit and charism of Blessed Theresa alive in The Call and Acts of the 25th General Chapter? How can you deepen this Spirit in your ministry?
Prayers for the Community
In light of our reflection and sharing, what do we want to pray for? You are invited to voice your own intentions and to give thanks. Our response will be:
Let us pray for and work towards the healing of divisions.
Closing Prayer (based on a prayer by Romeo del Rosario, Malaysia)
Leader: Let us Pray - Help us to open our eyes to the reality of other people so that we can respond to the need for justice, healing and peace to the nations. We desire to see the grace of God in every woman, man, and child we meet. We desire to embrace our vulnerability and with total trust in God, accept our interdependence with one another and the whole of creation. Through our ministry as educators, may we explore concrete avenues to eliminate the root causes of injustice. With your grace, we will be able to see differently, live kindly, and serve graciously and gratefully. Amen.
Closing Song: City of God [3:11 min]