Blessed by Your Prayer, Ministry Helps Heal Stress and Trauma

By Sister Barbara Paleczny, SSND

On Aug 12, I was privileged to lead a two-hour workshop, “Healing Stress and Trauma,” for 12 staff members from The Working Centre in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada. 

Founded in 1982 by Stephanie and Joe Mancini to help people navigate crises around housing, unemployment, poverty, and drug use, The Working Centre serves more than 1,000 people everyday through housing, emergency shelters, St. John's Kitchen, an employment centre, and much more.

How I loved being with this dynamic, creative, compassionate, fully-involved set of folks from 25 – 45 years of age.  They were so open to learn and heal from the constant – almost daily – crises they face.  

As we finished, the leader, Stephanie, showed us her hand with her fingers straight and no pain. She explained that she’s had a lot of pain and hasn’t been able to straighten her fingers for weeks. What joy!

Everyone in the group was radiant and vibrant as they left.  

Thank you, my Sisters and colleagues, always, for your prayers. Trust that you are part of our ministry for healing with some of the most vulnerable persons among us.

Learn more about The Working Centre in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada

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