Charter for Compassion

By Sister Barbara Paleczny, SSND

Since I am now connected to a global movement to deepen and spread compassion in all our relationships, I wonder if you know of the Charter for Compassion, and if so, have you signed it...  Written in 2009, it urges peoples and religions of the world to embrace the core value of compassion.

Compassion flows through all the Abrahamic Religions (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim). It flows through all world religions as the Golden Rule. It unites us.

Compassion reveals the heart of God. Compassion lies at the heart of the SSND charism and mission. It is a practical way to live the Call and Directional Statement of the General Chapter.

Only one page long, the Charter for Compassion calls us to listen longer, to care, to speak respectfully. The website includes many wonderful ideas and resources!

Please join 54 nations, hundreds of cities, and hundreds of thousands of people around the globe by reading and signing the Charter for Compassion!

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