Chicago-Area Sisters Celebrate Jubilee with Province

The online SSND Province-wide Jubilee Celebration held September 14 was a time for prayer and reminiscence across the U.S., Canada, and England. Our Chicago-area Sisters share their comments below. For more comments and photos from around the Province, click here!

Chicago Sisters Share Comments

As a Jubilarian, it was well orchestrated, and a beautiful end product.  ~ Jubilarian Sister Emily Wollschlager 

One word—WOW! ~  Jubilarian Sister Jean Phelan 

We enjoyed togetherness, pictures, memories!  ~ Sister Dottie Young 

My words are joy and gratitude!  ~ Sister Lucy Giacchetti 

Beautifully done!!  ~ Sister Mary Lou Henderson 

Unity, At one, Love!  ~ Sister Julice Bots 

Every Jubilee reminds me of my call.  ~ Sister Marlene Panko 

Jubilee always suggests fun, good food and games!  ~ Sister Susan Curtin

Kudos to Kathleen Feeley for her reflection!  ~ Sister Barb Bowers

Feliciades! Great Celebration.  It was good to see all the celebrants and a great reflection on bread. ~ Sister Rose Cecile Espinos

Enjoyed the presentation greatly.  Thank you so much!  ~ Sister Caritas Wehrman

It was a most beautiful and inspiring presentation!  And what a wonderful surprise—the inclusion of the CP Sisters! Thank you for all your work. ~  Sister Jeanne McGue

“That was a good get together.” ~ Sister Jeanne Landry

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