Celebrating Jubilee!

Ring Those Jubilee Bells, Belles!

Celebrating Jubilee at The Watermark

Celebrating SSND's Profession Class of 1959!

Waterdown Sisters Celebrate Jubilees

Chicago Jubilarians Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating Jubilee – 2023

Jubilate Deo - 670 years of dedicated Religious Life

Enjoy the Jubilee Celebration Video
Sisters at The Watermark Celebrate Jubilee 2023
Sisters at The Watermark gathered together Saturday, Sept. 9, in the auditorium to watch the Jubilee celebration. Their Sister Jubilarians participated from their rooms on Zoom. Afterwards, all of the Sisters came together for a joyful lunch.

Were Your Ears Ringing - Observations from Jubilee 2023
By Sister Mary Roy Weiss, SSND
“Were your ears ringing?” We were talking about you, the Sister Jubilarians of 2023, as we celebrated the Province Jubilee on Saturday, September 9, 2023.

Chicago Area Celebrates Jubilee

Baltimore Sisters Celebrate Jubilees
The Watermark Jubilee Gallery
There were 20 Jubilarians from 2020, 2021 and 2022 - who now live in community at The Watermark - who came together and celebrated with family and friends on Saturday, September 24. They gathered at the gorgeous St. Catherine of Siena Church in Trumbull, CT, for a beautiful liturgy celebrated by Father Robert Crofut. Afterwards the jubilarians enjoyed a wonderful dinner and visited with their guests. A wonderful time was had by everyone.
Share in the Charlesgate Jubilee Celebration!

Jubilarians 2022

2022 Jubilarians celebrate in Baltimore, Chicago, Waterdown