Malvern Retreat Center in Pennsylvania was the site of the fifth biennial Ministry Formation Retreat, held in June. Titled “Claiming the Fire Within,” 20 participants, men and women across the province and associated with SSND sponsored and co-sponsored ministries, continuum of care centers and province staff gathered to pray together, share in small groups and listen to insightful presentations.
The retreat leaders were Sisters Joan Penzenstadler and Rose Mary Sander, and Associate Suzy Blackburn. The purpose of the retreat is to grow the charism in SSND co-ministers so they bring the charism back to their places of ministry and into the world. Thank you to our wonderful Ministry Services Department for organizing the retreat. The Ministry Formation Program aims to implement the SSND mission, educational vision and charism with lay leaders of SSND sponsored and co-sponsored ministries, province departments and continuum of care centers in the present and to ensure its continuation and flourishing the future.
Let us continue to pray for them and their places of ministry.