On May 25, the congregation's commitment to becoming a Laudato Si’ Congregation was released and can be found on the congregational website. Please read the public statement of commitment that has been sent to us by our General Council here.
Becoming a Laudato Si’ Congregation invites us all individually, institutionally and collectively to embark on a seven-year journey toward Integral Ecology, a holistic perspective and strategy to promote both a flourishing earth and a flourishing human community. This vision of Integral Ecology is at the heart of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si’. The seven-year process will involve our commitment to study and integrate the goals that are central to the Laudato Si’ Platform for Action.
Our Provincial Council invites every SSND Sister, Associate, as well as our Staff and Colleagues in mission to engage the resources that are being offered by the JPIC Department, and give thoughtful consideration to your commitment to this important moment in the life of our congregation and our world.