
Absolution Will Surprise, Satisfy You - Book Review

Alice McDermott has been my favorite fiction writer since she accepted an invitation to attend the SSND Jubilee Book Club to discuss her novel, The Ninth Hour, about 15 years ago. Two key women propel the story...

You, Too, Can Starburst!

Do you miss one of your friends at an AMSSND site, but it is too far to travel?  We’ve put iPads with Facetime at each of our nine major sites (Ozanam, Stella Maris, Villa Assumpta, Watermark, Waterdown, Marian Village and Resurrection Life).  So, who are you going to call first?  And second?

School Sisters Gather from Across the Province

Sisters and Associates from Ontario, New York, Connecticut, Chicago, Massachusetts, Florida, and Baltimore - recently gathered for a mini-retreat presented via Zoom by the OPDIC committee. "Spring Growth" explored the wisdom of plants, inviting attendees to prayerful reflection on their own experience of nature.

Villa Assumpta Sisters Enjoy Nun Study Presentation

Dr. Margaret (Maggie) Flanagan visited Villa Assumpta recently to provide an update on the ongoing Nun Study. It includes 678 SSNDs, 75 to 107 years of age, who agreed to participate in the research.