What exactly is COP26 hoping to achieve (practically speaking)?
The official negotiations take place over two weeks. The first week includes technical negotiations by government officials, followed by high-level Ministerial and Heads of State meetings in the second week, when the final decisions will be made – or not.
There are four main points that will be discussed during the conference according to its host, the United Kingdom:
1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
To do this, countries need to accelerate the phase-out of coal, curb deforestation, speed up the switch to greener economies. Carbon market mechanisms will be also part of the negotiations.
2. Adapt more to protect communities and natural habitats
Since the climate is already changing countries already affected by climate change need to protect and restore ecosystems, as well as build defences, warning systems and resilient infrastructure.
3. Mobilise finance
At COP15, rich nations promised to channel $100 billion a year to less-wealthy nations by 2020 to help them adapt to climate change and mitigate further rises in temperature.
That promise was not kept, and COP26 will be crucial to secure the funds, with the help of international financial institutions, as well as set new climate finance targets to be achieved by 2025.
GOODNOTE: There are four areas driving innovation and change in the financial world (outside of governments) these forces will change our energy systems!
- Solar PV
- Wind turbines
- Battery storage
- Hydrogen electrolyzers
4. Work together to deliver
This means establishing collaborations between governments, businesses and civil society, and of course, finalising the Paris Rulebook to make the Agreement fully operational In addition to formal negotiations, COP26 is expected to establish new initiatives and coalitions for delivering climate action.
Hundreds of thousands of Catholics will arrive in Glasgow
Over 100,000 signatures of the "Healthy Planet, Healthy People" petition, supported by over 400 Catholic organizations, will be presented during COP26.
Join the "Faith in Action for Climate Justice" event, an interfaith event featuring petitions at COP26 from different Christian denominations. It will be broadcast from St. George Tron Church today, November 2 at 3:30 pm!
CLICK HERE TO WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlk5cAygXs8
"24 Hours for Climate", a global Catholic vigil (click to join)
In the early hours of Friday 5 to Saturday 6 November, thousands of Catholics will stay awake all night, united in faith, to pray for the outcome of COP26. It will be held in person at St Aloysius Church, Glasgow, and virtually for the rest of the world.
Two events that should be on your agenda
During COP26 there will be daily events to follow the activities. However, there are two that should be on your radar:
Saturday, November 6 will be the "Global Day of Action". Catholics in Scotland will gather at Kelvingrove Park and make a pilgrimage to Glasgow Green - we are counting on your support! https://laudatosimovement.org/event/glasgow-global-day-of-action-2021/ (will be shown here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClR9vhKimNUhIVyKM1X3QVA)
Also, on Wednesday, November 10 at 14 New York / 19 Rome, there will be a panel at COP26 led by Catholics, discussing how we can root creation care in our Catholic faith, and how to commit to take action. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE (Will be live here: https://www.facebook.com/LaudatoSiMovement/ )