Black History month
February is Black History month in the USA and Canada. The letters of Paul played a role in promoting slavery; they were also used to resist it. Lisa Marie Bowens PhD explores this dichotomy in her book African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation and in this recorded presentation.
It's Time to Apply for the Gospel Fund!
The Gospel Fund of the Atlantic-Midwest Province assists in the financing of projects whose goals are consistent with the SSND congregational mandate to reverence all creation and make the concerns of the poor our own. The maximum amount granted to any one project is $5,000 in a fiscal year.
The Spring funding cycle for 2024 is open for applications until March 1, 2024. For full information and to access the online application form, click here.
Addressing Climate Change: Sustainable Living
Though we are well into the month of January, it is not too late to consider our resolutions…how do we want to live differently this year from last year? Consider resolving to live a sustainable lifestyle. Click here to explore what a sustainable lifestyle means and some possible ways to begin (or continue).
End Human Trafficking: Mindful of Our Impact on People and Planet
Each week leading up to the International Day Against Human Trafficking (Feb 8), the CP Shalom Human Trafficking Committee is sharing a simple reflection resource. This week the focus is on the true cost of low prices. Click here for the resource.
Dismantling Racism: Called to Action
The Central Pacific Province has begun a fourth season of their podcast series “Called to Action”. The new theme is Racial Justice. Click for more information.