Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts
The Dismantling Racism committee invites you to view a documentary film about the Doctrine of Discovery on your own, with a virtual dialogue on December 6, at either 10am or 7 pm. RSVP to Sister Sharon Wall swall@amssnd.org by December 1. For more details click here.
A Dream Deferred! By Delores A. Moore, Associate
Two and a half years ago when we, members of the St. Ann's Social Justice Committee in Baltimore, learned from an advertisement from the Josephite Order that there were six African American candidates for sainthood we were elated! When we later learned that this wasn't common knowledge to many Black Catholics and white Catholics alike, we were astounded! We said we've got to do something to get the word out and so we did!
National Black Catholic History Month
This is a time to celebrate the proud heritage of Black Catholics. Several important dates for Catholics of African descent are this month, including the feast day of St. Martin de Porres (11/3), the first Black Saint of the Americas; and the birthday of St. Augustine (November 13), the first Doctor of the Church from North Africa. For more about Black Catholic History Month go to this website.
Addressing Climate Change
Eating is a moral act "As eaters, we should be aware of where our food comes from: Who grew it and where? How were the workers treated? How were the animals and land treated?” Learn more from Catholic Rural Life.
Ending Human Trafficking: Migrants workers
Migrant workers are three times more likely to be exploited in the private sector than local workers. ... Read the reflection by S. Michelle Loisel, DC, Alliance to End Human Trafficking (formerly US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking)
Haiti Collaboration Committee: Virtual Tours
Over 300 people were introduced to Beyond Borders (BB) this year through the virtual Haiti tours. By their attendance, BB received a total of $30,000 from Vista Hermosa Foundation to buy water catchment systems for 100 Haitian families! Sign up for future tour dates here.