We all think we know the story of a sweet baby born on a silent night. But the commercial stories often fail to capture the political, subversive, and relevant nature of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
In the midst of the “big commercial racket” of the season, the Disrupting Darkness series of reflection and dialogue will help create a quiet space to discern how Jesus’ birth calls us to live, love, and act.
The in-person series is sponsored by the AM SSND Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Department and organized by the Dismantling Racism Committee. It is open to Sisters, Associates, and colleagues.
Villa Assumpta, Baltimore, MD:
2:00 – 3:00 pm ET, Sunday, Dec. 8 and Saturdays, Dec. 14, Jan. 11, and Jan. 18. RSVP to Sister Jane Cayer, jcayer@amssnd.org.
Waterdown, Ontario, Canada:
3:00 – 4:00 pm ET, Sunday, December 14 (and other dates in January, TBD). RSVP to Sister Celeste Reinhart, creinhart@amssnd.org