By Director of Associates Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND
Do you know…
* that the Associate relationship is an invitation to women and men who feel called to live the gospel values in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa, our foundress?
* that we have approximately 486 Associates in North America, with 146 in the Atlantic Midwest Province?
* that our earliest Associates covenanted back in 1989 and 1990?
* that we have 17 Associates on our focus area committees? (Dismantling Racism, Addressing Climate Change, Justice for Immigrants, Haiti Collaboration, & End Human Trafficking)
* that an Associate serves as the Associate Director of JPIC?
* are there any Associates in your geographic area? Do you know any Associates in another geographic area?
To connect with an Associate, or for more information, contact Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND (Director of Associates) at 410-377-7774 ext. 1149, or email dliesen@amssnd.org