Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN
A member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the Catholic University of America and received her accreditation from the Academy of Certified Social Workers Incorporated. She is a licensed social worker in the District of Columbia.
Sister served as full-time President of the National Black Sisters’ Conference from 1995-2001 and was a member of the Provincial Leadership Team of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in the former Connecticut Province. She was the first African American to serve in this capacity with the Sisters of Notre Dame. Sr. Patricia, having been trained by Crossroads, is co-chair of the Sisters of Notre Dame, USA Anti-Racism Team. She is committed to working with religious congregations on dismantling racism. In 2011, Sister became the first African American Executive Director of Pax Christi, USA, the National Catholic Nonviolent Peace and Justice Movement located in Washington, DC. Currently she serves on the leadership team of the US East-West unit of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, SNDdeN
A native of Springfield, MA. She earned a B.A. in Sociology/Social Work from Annhurst College and an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry and Counseling from Emmanuel College. As a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur she has worked extensively with young adults and adult learners at Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport, CT., serving in Campus Ministry, Director of the Personal Counseling Center and later as Associate Dean of Students. She has served on the leadership team of the CT unit of the Sisters of Notre Dame and continues to be the co-chair of the SND/USA Anti-Racism Team. After relocating to the MD. area, she served as Case Management Supervisor for the Families that Work Program at My Sister’s Place Women Center in Baltimore, MD. She served 8 years as Director of Programs at Pax Christi USA in Washington, DC. Currently she works on a bi-racial team presenting, facilitating and consulting with religious congregations on dismantling racism.
Workshop capacity is limited to 40 participants per session. To register contact Sharon Wall swall@amssnd.org. In the subject line write “Dismantling Racism Workshop.” In the text box make sure you indicate the two workshops (A and B) and which dates/times you will attend each. The times noted above are for the Eastern Time Zone.