Dismantling Racism

Dismantling Racism Committee

“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.” – Pope Francis

As the Catholic Church is clear on the sinfulness of racism, the Church is gradually awakening to the many ways it has promoted slavery, segregation, and racism throughout its own history.  Women religious are also beginning to address their own personal and institutional complicity in racism. Acknowledging the history of racism and our participation in it as individuals and as members of groups; discovering ways that we can act to rectify it; and inviting others to this dialogue, is the work of dismantling racism.

We are guided in this work by the vision of You Are Sent, the constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, especially GD 33: “We call ourselves to embody Gospel values and to live the social teachings of the Church.  Working toward the enablement of persons and the promotion of human dignity, we contribute to positive systemic change in society.” 

We invite you to join us in the work of dismantling racism.

Click here to read the full Province Statement.


Don't Miss this Province-Wide Book Read!

Join the DR Committee this February for a province-wide book read of the multiple award-winning novel, James, by Percival Everett! The novel is a retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the point of view of Jim, the runaway slave whom Huck befriends.

Coloured Schools Event Recording

The Dismantling Racism committee hosted a zoom presentation on SSND’s involvement in “colored schools” in the former Maryland Province on Thursday, November 21, 2024. A recording of the event is available, featuring SSND’s archivist, Michele Levandowski, and alums/descendants of the schools.

Racial Examination of Conscience by Mark Schmidt

This “Racial Examination of Conscience” is written by Mark Schmidt, director of the Respect Life/Social Justice Office of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. We invite you to spend some time alone with these questions and to initiate a conversation with others as a way to grow in awareness of your racial views and attitudes.

A Dream Deferred!

Two and a half years ago when we, members of the St. Ann's Social Justice Committee in Baltimore, learned from an advertisement from the Josephite Order that there were six African American candidates for sainthood we were elated! When we later learned that this wasn't common knowledge to many Black Catholics and white Catholics alike, we were astounded! We said we've got to do something to get the word out and so we did. 

Doctrine of Discovery - Stolen Lands Strong Hearts

The Dismantling Racism committee invites you to view a documentary film about the Doctrine of Discovery on your own, with a follow-up dialogue. The film was produced by the Anglican Church of Canada.

Holy Week Reflections 2022 - A Pilgrimage of Dangerous Journeys

We have journeyed together this Lent, stopping along the way to reflect on our commitment to those who seek justice as immigrants. As we go forward into Holy Week, we recall the pilgrimage that Jesus made and his victory of life over death in the resurrection. We invite you to reflect on these images, poems, short videos, and prayers as you make space for contemplation during this Holy Week.

Black and White Habits

Are the institutions of the Catholic Church catholic enough to finally treat women — especially women of color — as equals?

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

In 2010, President Barack Obama first declared January as the National Trafficking Prevention Month. Worldwide, human traffickers generate hundreds of billions of dollars in profits by trapping millions of people in appalling circumstances. Learn what you should know and what you can do!

Prayer Service for MLK Day 2022

January 17th is the day we honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership in the struggle to dismantle racism and to promote God’s vision of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation. As we embrace his struggle today, and as we remember his inspiring words and life’s witness, we invite you to gather with others to pray and share reflections around this prayer service.

Critical Race Theory—an Overview

“Alert to rapidly evolving conditions in a changing society, we discern which world conditions we are called to address…and what the urgent educational needs of our times are.”   - YAS General Directory #37

Dismantling Racism Committee

Racism is racial prejudice, hatred or discrimination involving one group having the power to carry out systemic discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society which are shaped by cultural beliefs and values that support racist policies and practices. 

Breaking the Silence

On September 11, 2021, the Dismantling Racism Committee along with Adjunct members gathered at NDP to participate in a workshop entitled Breaking the Silence:  Conversations about Racism, Power and Privilege Within ourselves and our Province.  The all-day workshop was facilitated by Notre Dame de Namur Sisters, Patricia Chappell, and Ann-Louise Nadeau.

Towards a Framework for Repair - On Being with Krista Tippett

Listen to Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem discuss "Towards a Framework for Repair", Resmaa Menakem’s book, My Grandmother’s Hands, and his original insights into racialized trauma in all kinds of bodies, have offered new ways forward for us all.

Racial Literacy Resources

Please use the attached resource: Diversity Decoded: Racial Literacy & More for Cross-Cultural Mentorship

#BlackCatholics Syllabus

This syllabus is a collection of resources related to Black Catholics in the United States. It is intended for academics, journalists, educators, diocesan institutions, parishes, congregations of women and men religious, and the general public. Dr. Tia Noelle Pratt, Curator.