Dear Sisters, Associates and Colleagues,
As we celebrate the 191st anniversary of the founding of our congregation in Germany, let us give thanks for a history marked by the fruitfulness of our love for each other and the transformation of the world through our ministry. As we look back over these years, may we faithfully follow the example of Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, our foundress, who placed her trust and hope in God. She dared everything and was dedicated to the mission of Jesus to unite all in God’s love. During these challenging times, our world needs the hope witnessed in the Good News. Wherever we are, whatever our work and lifestyle, we seek the oneness for which Jesus Christ was sent - trusting that our fractured and wounded world can be healed and will be transformed.
By committing to the Call of the 25th General Chapter, let us ask for the grace to live in such a way that God’s presence becomes more visible in our world. May Blessed Theresa of Jesus, Mother Caroline and all SSNDs who have gone before us, intercede for us along each step of our journey as we live in these transformative times.
“May the God of peace be with you!” Happy Foundation Day!