By Sister Kim Nguyen, SSND
John 20: 1-9
Early in the morning on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene visited the tomb. She found something unusual. The stone had been moved away.
She ran off to tell Simon Peter and John. When they arrived at the tomb, they found the empty tomb. They saw the wrappings on the ground, along with the piece of cloth that had covered Jesus’ head. It was not lying with the wrappings, but was rolled up by itself.
Remember, they did not yet understand the Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
Mary Magdalene stood outside the tomb, weeping.
Suddenly she heard someone calling her name. "Mary, why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?"
Mary turned around. She recognized Jesus because he had called her by name. Jesus then sent her to announce to the disciples the good news: “I have seen Jesus, Rabbouni!”
During Lent, we prepared ourselves to remember and celebrate Jesus’ death and Resurrection.
During the season of Easter, the Church asks us to reflect on Jesus’ Resurrection and what it means for us as his disciples today and the gift of eternal life that he gives to us.
We try to recognize Jesus in all, and share our discovery with the world.
"As He was sent to show the Father’s love to the world, we are sent to make Christ visible by our very being, by sharing our love, faith, and hope.” YAS