By Sister Mary Dooley, SSND
Sister Kate Kinnally, SSND believes strongly in the mission of Caroline House in Bridgeport, CT and desires to share her talents to support the programs.
Throughout the year, she creates amazing crafts and sells them at the Craft Fair at her residence at The Watermark. When she heard that Caroline House needed 6 White Boards for the classrooms, her goal was to raise that amount to make it happen.
Her dream became a reality at the December Craft Fair where she raised the exact amount needed $1,200 and with $25 over to help buy some markers.
At the beginning of November, she fell and fractured her femur as she was getting up from her sewing machine. That did not stop her from accomplishing her goal and with the help of Caroline Volunteers, Anke Dew and Betty Cagnassola, the residents of Watermark were able to purchase beautiful and creative Christmas Decorations.
The message Sister Kate gave to all of us was the message prevalent among the women at Caroline House - NEVER GIVE UP.