This year's LCWR Assembly was held virtually August 12, 13, and 14.
The exploration of the Assembly theme, “God’s Infinite Vision: Our Journey to the Borders and Beyond,” has taken on a new urgency because of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and the increasing reality of racism. The more than 900 Assembly participants - including our own Provincial Council - engaged with one another in online prayer, conversation, and discernment about how this reality is changing our lives, our institutes, the people we serve, and literally, the entire global community.
"I appreciate the work of LCWR and the opportunity to gather with other elected leaders at the annual LCWR Assembly," said Sister Maria Iannuccillo. "While it was disappointing not to be able to gather in person, the virtual Assembly was a powerful experience. The input by Jane Helminger, CSJ and the sharing by panelists served as a catalyst for our own reflection and small group conversations. The sharing was authentic and rich. I am grateful for all LCWR did to allow us to gather virtually."
To read Some of the Presentations Sisters Gave and Watch Video Highlights From the Meeting - Click Here