Lenten Reflections

On March 5, we observe Ash Wednesday and embark on our 40 days of Lent journey.

Pope Francis encourages us to become Pilgrims of Hope in our broken and fragile world.

As we begin our Lenten Journey with its reminder of prayer, repentance, and fasting, let us remember that we cannot become true pilgrims of hope until we allow our encounter with Jesus to transform our hearts. - The Provincial Council

Lent is a rich time for reflection, calling us into our hearts to listen to God, listen to each other, and listen to the cries of the world.

Some School Sisters of Notre Dame will share here what they have discovered in their own Lenten journeys. May you find inspiration from their experiences!

Ash Wednesday

Quotes to Reflect On

by School Sisters of Notre Dame

Week One

Digging into Earth, Finding Stones

By Sister Jane Cayer, SSND

Week Two

Lenten Memory

by Sister Justine Nutz, SSND

Week Three

Born Again Every Lent

by Sister Peggy Juskelis

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