By Sister Margaret Malone, SSND
These words come from a banner we made for the beginning of Lent somewhere in the 1980’s. For me they are still a starting point for my Lenten pilgrimage.
I find Lent a challenge. How do I keep to the good things I intend to do this year?
Somehow, I seem to forget and to get distracted along the way and suddenly it is Holy Week.
As in all things, I pray to follow the example of Jesus who was led by the Spirit to the desert. He wasn’t led to be tempted. He was led to listen to what God wanted from him at that time.
We too are called to listen to what God is asking of us in this time.
There are so many voices.
For me, the Call and Acts of the 25th General Chapter are in the forefront of what needs my concentrated attention.
There are voices from LCWR asking those in leadership to face the unique challenges of this day.
There is the call of a worldwide environmental crisis, and the looming elections in this country.
How am I called to respond to all of these, and the everyday minor - by comparison - needs that are presented to me? What needs to be given up? What needs to be put in place?
One Lenten ritual many of us do not see or participate in is the Scrutinies for catechumens that occur as part of the RCIA preparation for Baptism at Easter.
They take place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent, and are meant to raise up and expose whatever keeps the transforming love of God from liberating us.
For the Baptized Christian, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is our moment to scrutinize our behaviors, words, and attitudes to see where we can become, with God’s grace, more loving people.
I pray that we all may have a listening ear and heart this season.