May 9, 1879: Feast Day of Blessed M. Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger

Foundress of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Herewith I solemnly commend all the sisters to the most Holy Trinity.  May God, the Father, care for you all and keep you steadfast and faithful in your holy vocation!  May God, the Son, deliver you from all evil of sin; may he be the way you walk, the truth you follow, the life you lead!  May the Holy Spirit preserve you in his love and grace!  May Mary, the mother of divine grace and mother of our congregation, take you all into her loving, maternal heart and stand by you in life and in death!   

Trust and Dare May 9; MT 714  

Today we celebrate the feast day of our foundress, Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, who died May 9, 1879. A woman of faith, longing for the oneness of all in God and ever seeking God’s will, Blessed Theresa founded the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) in Bavaria in 1833 in response to the urgent needs of her day. 

Each year on May 9, we remember and look to Blessed Theresa as a guide for our own lives and times, and pray that the charism entrusted to her might continue to find life and expression in all those touched by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. 

Please enjoy this self-paced story about the extraordinary life of Blessed Theresa. Happy Feast Day!

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