On Tuesday, October 24, students, faculty, and staff came together for a special Foundation Day liturgy marking the 190th anniversary of the founding the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND). This celebration was especially meaningful, as it was held during NDP’s 150th Anniversary year. Joining the NDP school community were SSND guests from the Baltimore area. During the mass, a special video was shown of students recently visiting area cemeteries to place white roses on the graves of those deceased Sisters who served at Notre Dame Prep in their lifetime.
Following the spirit-filled Mass, the community bore witness to the dedication and blessing of a new display, the SSND Tribute Wall. Located in the main foyer of the school, the wall lists the names of each School Sister of Notre Dame who served at NDP, either on the original Charles Street campus or in Towson. Following the Liturgy, the Sisters were hosted to a special luncheon.