Notre Dame Preparatory School musicians swept the Festival of Music spring adjudications in Nashville, Tennessee, this past weekend by garnering “Best Overall” awards for Band, Chorus, and Orchestra.
All performing groups received first place and excellent or superior rankings in their individual performance categories. In addition, the 107 NDP student musicians won the Esprit de Corps Award for demonstrating the best offstage behavior, and exhibiting kindness, poise, and appreciation of the other groups.
At this year’s Nashville competition, more than 800 musicians from six schools in Maryland, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Ontario, Canada, competed.
Notre Dame Preparatory School has participated in out-of-state music assessments for more than 20 years, and this year, 2023, is the first competition the students have been able to participate in since the pandemic in 2020.
The performing arts are an integral component to an NDP education, and the school’s vibrant music program fosters the talents and skills of musicians of all skill level. In the Middle Level, students receive their first opportunity to explore music through band, orchestra, chorus, or piano lab. In the Upper Level, students may participate in Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Concert Choir, and Chamber Choir. Students also perform for school liturgies and school musicals. Notre Dame is a member of Tri-M, the national music honor society; this year, 21 students were newly inducted