Notre Dame Preparatory School (NDP) recently received two regional awards recognizing the school’s quality work environment and service mission:
- For the eighth consecutive year—and each year since the program’s inception—NDP was named among The Baltimore Sun’s Top Workplaces. In particular, the school received special recognition in the area of “meaningfulness,” which is the second time in the last four years that NDP was celebrated for this quality. NDP placed 4th among 25 mid-size employers.
- NDP’s Camp Umoja, a summer camp for Baltimore City youth, was honored at the 44th Annual Mayor’s Business Recognition Awards. This award is given annually to those organizations which have demonstrated significant leadership and service for a better Baltimore and have committed resources to improving the quality of life in Baltimore City. Since its founding in 1985, approximately 3,300 campers and 1,650 volunteer counselors have been involved in Camp Umoja.
“These two honors speak to two essential components of Notre Dame Prep: our people and our mission,” says Sister Patricia McCarron, SSND, Ph.D., headmistress. “Our faculty and staff’s passion and commitment to our students is exemplary, and our school’s commitment to the practice of justice brings deep meaning to our mission to educate young women to transform the world!”
The evaluation for the Top Workplaces program is based upon feedback from an anonymous employee survey that the faculty and staff filled out in August.
The Mayor’s Business Recognition Award is presented by the Greater Baltimore Committee.