By Sister Nancy Gilchriest, SSND
February 1st was Pajama Day at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Academy in Jamaica, New York. I know this because I was invited to give a vocation talk to the girls in grades 5-8 as part of Catholic Schools Week.
Sister Joan Gallagher, CSJ, and I gathered with about 60 girls in the gym to talk about what it means to be a Sister, while the boys met with a priest and a seminarian in the auditorium to learn what it means to be a priest.
The highlight of the hour was the question and answer session, where Joan and I took turns responding to questions such as these:
“What’s your confirmation name and what does that have to do with being a nun?”
“Can you be married and be a nun?”
“Why do nuns wear black?”
“How did you know you wanted to be a nun?”
I am grateful to have been invited, and I encourage all of us to think about accepting such invitations.
When I heard that our vocation talk would be on Pajama Day, I had to smile.
After all, as I told the girls at Immaculate Conception, St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”
Pajamas are a fine start!