Prayer Service in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 17, 2022

Call to Prayer
Note: The italicized sections below are stanzas of the Civil Rights hymn, “We Shall Overcome.” You might consider singing them.
Leader: We gather once again, God our Justice, to remember the legacy, leadership, and vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrating and honoring his life has special significance for us as we become increasingly aware of the many ways racism has shaped and distorted our societies, our churches, and our lives. We thank you, God, for Martin’s leadership and vision in the struggle to dismantle racism, and for his tireless work to promote justice and peace for all human beings. Help us listen with our hearts to his words. Help us sing out with conviction that, with your grace, we will help overcome the structures of racism and sin that separate us today.
Let us take a moment and invoke Martin’s spirit to be with us…