By Sister Patricia Murphy, SSND
The morning of June 5, Villa Assumpta Sisters were treated to a traveling exhibit of IND heritage that is permanently housed at Notre Dame of Maryland University.
Created and curated by the IND Alumnae Association (INDAA), the exhibit also enjoys the able assistance of our North American Archivist, Michelle Levandoski. Most of the 40 Sisters in attendance had entered the Baltimore Province when the Motherhouse was at IND. Many had either graduated from or taught at IND. A week later the Sisters are still reminiscing about their experiences of IND, and how IND changed their lives!
The program began with listening to the song, The Stairs of IND, written by a former parent and sung by his daughter. The song immortalizes the iconic front staircase and brought tears to many eyes.
In casual conversation, the Sisters described their experience of the exhibit as overwhelming, phenomenal, interesting, fantastic. They were impressed by how well the exhibit was put together, and by the materials themselves: the display of their yearbooks (mostly from the 50s), picture boards by decade, copies of original documents, and even the graduation gown of the class of 1948. While the white dress lasted to the end of the school’s history, the styles have certainly changed with the times!
Truly the highlight for the Sisters was the dedication of the IND alumnae who have committed hundreds of hours of their time, their talent and their treasure to this project.
For the alumnae, the heritage room is a tribute to SSND, and to every girl who graduated from IND. The graduates' names are inscribed on the top border of the room that houses the permanent exhibit.
The INDAA continues to receive IND memorabilia, including an IND ring and pin donated that day from one of the Sisters.
The Sisters realize that this project and others of the IND Alumnae Association are keeping the spirit of IND alive now and into the future.
Since the school closed four years ago, the INDAA has worked directly with the girls who have now graduated from other Catholic High Schools, helping them spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally to navigate their transition to their new schools.
The INDAA fundraisers help continue the IND ministry to the people in the east Baltimore neighborhood. They supply backpacks and school supplies each fall, and Thanksgiving baskets at the holiday.
In addition, the fundraisers have raised thousands of dollars for girls’ Catholic high schools, to assist students with tuition and non-tuition expenses.
If the girls can’t go to IND, thanks to the INDAA, they can still have the opportunity for a Catholic education!