By Sister Marlene Panko, SSND
Sister Lori Keen, SSND, once wrote a poem/parody/rap song about Retirement. “All my troubles just melt away; time enough for me to rest and read and pray…A life of peace and joy awaits you…have no fears.”
Sister Lori died in 2021, but the wisdom of her words lives on.

Two Sisters at Marian Village, in the Chicago Area, are wonderful examples. Lucy Giacchetti, 93 years old, and Julice Bots, 94 years old, have “let their troubles melt away.”
Lucy, though hearing-impaired, is grateful that her eyesight is good enough to help Julice. And Julice, though vision-impaired, is grateful that Lucy is so patient to offer a hand when near a curb or to guide her to something beautiful on the 80-acre campus. What a perfect way to help each other in the aging process!
In their earlier lives, both Sisters had unique ministries which, in a way, had defined who they were.
Now, both have found a new part of life, a peaceful simplicity living in the present moment, waiting to be surprised by the wonders of God.
The present moment will often find them walking around the campus many times a day, resting at times, or chatting with other residents.
The warmer seasons in the Midwest might find them getting closer to nature as they silently and prayerfully sit together in the Gazebo looking at nature, the pond, or the spacious blue sky of rural Illinois.
They enjoy having three meals prepared daily for them. Another constant for both of them is daily Mass and other devotions offered in the chapel.
Monthly birthday parties with an entertainer find them clapping their hands and swaying to the music of an accordionist, saxophonist or keyboard player. Oldies plus songs like “Sweet Caroline” send them off with a lilt for their next event or next walk with a companion who cares.