Marian House 12th Annual Race to Embrace Independence 5K Run and Walk is going virtual this year!
But this does not mean you sit behind your computer screen! Instead, you can choose to run or walk at your own time and pace between Saturday September 19th and Sunday September 27th. Sisters who are interested in participating should please let Laura Stafford know of your interest at We can form a team!
As usual, the SSND fundraising support comes with eight free tickets for SSND. If you are interested in possibly winning a prize you will need to log your time with either a smart watch or phone app. Otherwise you can participate for fun only, without being competitive. Remember: 5K goes a long way for the women at Marian House.
Please share this information with friends and relatives. Because of this year’s race being virtual, people can participate from anywhere. General adult registration is $35. Free tickets not claimed by Sisters will be made available to province staff. Sisters, please respond to Laura Stafford by Friday, September 11 if you want to claim a free registration. If you prefer not to run, but wish to support Marian House in their fundraising efforts, please click here for ideas.
For the 2020 Virtual Participant Brochure with more detailed information, please click here.
Please also check the race website for additional information. We hope many of you will participate.