By Sister Mary Fitzgerald, SSND
Notre Dame Preparatory hosted a breakfast to bring together its scholarship recipients and the donors who are supporting them. This year, scholarships have been awarded to Krystal Avila-Larios (24), Sophie Mehdizadeh (24) – not pictured, Sydney Newkirk (26), and Cheho (Abby) Park (27) in the name of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Sister Patricia McCarron, SSND, Head of School, gave a warm welcome to participants. In her address, she cited a number to play in the lottery 190-150-20. The School Sisters of Notre Dame are celebrating 190 years since their foundation, Notre Dame Preparatory School is celebrating 150 years since its foundation, and this is the 20th year for the Scholarship Breakfast.
Sister Patty thanked the donors and the students for their living of the values and mission of Notre Dame Preparatory School. She gave testimony to the wonderful work the students are doing in their acts of kindness, caring for the less fortunate, and using their gifts and skills to be of service to others. The students are truly using their education to equip themselves to be agents of transformation for our world.
Cristi Barry, Food Services at NDP, prepared a delicious and nutritious breakfast, which was enjoyed by all.
In the picture, left to right:
Abby Park, Krystal Avila-Larios, Sister Mary, Sydney Newkirk