Nerina Murray, SSND Associate and ACC Committee member, writes, “Sunsets fill me with awe and hope for tomorrow. Sometimes sunsets make me sad because I think that I am now at the sunset of my life, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. Other times they make me joyful because a red sky usually promises the dawning of a beautiful next day.”
You are invited to submit a photo of yourself or others in nature, that speaks of God’s loving presence in Creation or that expresses concern about the current treatment of God’s gift to us.
Write a sentence or two about the photo and your feelings. Why did you choose the setting? Is it a favorite spot that you visit often? All ages can participate! Enlist the help of others. These photos will be shared with the province on social media or the Friday Update during the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4. (If you do not wish to have your photo shared on social media, please indicate that.) Send your photo and statements to