Sister Margaret Bauer, SSND
March 15, 1919 – March 9, 2024
Born on March 15, 1919, Margaret, the second of four children of Joseph and Mary Madosch Bauer, was baptized on April 20, 1919, at St. Peter Church, Newark, New Jersey. Her brother, the fourth child, died at birth. In 1929 Margaret and her sisters experienced the death of both parents. Their father died in February and their mother died in October. The three sisters were raised at St. Peter Orphanage not far from their home. While there Margaret received her First Holy Communion and was confirmed. After graduating from St. Peter Grammar School in 1935 Margaret wrote that she “had made up her mind” to enter religious life.
She was motivated by her desire “to save her soul and the souls of others by serving God and living a life of sacrifice.” Margaret wanted to enter the School Sisters of Notre Dame. SSND staffed St Peter Orphanage and Schools and Margaret was attracted to them. Sister Josephine, the Superior of St. Peter, advised Margaret to attend the Commercial School before she entered the convent. Margaret followed her advice, completed the Commercial School program, and entered the Candidature on June 16, 1937.
Margaret finished her high school education at the Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore during her candidate and early formation years. On July 8,1939 she was received into the Novitiate and given the name Sister Mary Lucian.
Sister Mary Lucian professed her first vows on July 29, 1940, and was sent to teach primary classes at St. Andrew School, Baltimore. She taught there for a few years and at Blessed Sacrament, Baltimore, and Mt. Calvary, Forestville, Washington, D.C. before moving to Most Holy Name School, Pittsburgh where she remained for 13 years.
Sister Margaret (now using her baptismal name) was also a teacher at St. Joseph School, Midland, Maryland. and at the following schools: St. John School, Charleston, South Carolina; Center City Catholic School, Camden, New Jersey and St. Michael’s School, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. In 1976 Sister Margaret was assigned to St John School in Frederick, Maryland where she taught grade 3 until 1993. She then assumed the role of pastoral minister until her retirement 24 years later. Her walks around the parish with the dog, Kyrie, were very effective in her ministry. In 2017, Margaret moved to Villa Assumpta in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sister Margaret received her Bachelor of Science Degree at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland in Elementary and Secondary Education. She later earned a Master of Education degree from Seton Hall University.
Friendly and outgoing, Margaret was always generous with her time and talent. A niece said that Margaret was a blessing to the family and described her as “exuding the joy of the Lord.”
On her 100th birthday St. John Parish held a birthday celebration for Margaret. Sisters from Villa Assumpta joined in that celebration. The people of St John’s Parish truly celebrated Margaret and her 41 years of service to them.
Sister Margaret Bauer was a member of the pioneer group to move to Stella Maris in 2021. It was there that she spent her final years remembering her beloved Frederick.
Sister Nola Colahan SSND who served as Superior and Principal at St. John School died on Jan 6, 1925. She was 44 years of age and died from pneumonia. At that time, the parish designated four graves for the Sisters. No other SSNDs were buried in the Sisters’ section until Sister Margaret Bauer’s lay sister, Mary, the oldest sibling died in 1997 at age 80. Mary had been living in a nursing home in New Jersey and had no family except Margaret and her youngest sister, Betty, who lives in California. Sister Margaret brought Mary’s cremains to Frederick for a funeral and burial at St John Parish Cemetery. When Sister Margaret moved to Villa Assumpta she requested to be buried in her beloved Frederick with her sister, Mary, and Sister Nola Colahan SSND.
Sister Margaret was 104 years old and in the 84th year of her religious profession at her death on March 9, 2024. Her viewing, wake, mass, burial, and reception were held on her 105th birthday at St John the Evangelist Church in Frederick, Maryland. Over two hundred parishioners, 20+ SSNDs, and seven clergy were in the congregation to bid Sister Margaret farewell and to celebrate her life at the reception following the burial.
Cherished memories were shared by all who knew her. Margaret is survived by the youngest of the three Bauer girls. Betty Kellog, age 101, who lives with her daughter in California. She was unable to be present for the celebration of her sister’s life. May Sister Margaret Bauer rest in peace.
By Jeanne Hildenbrand SSND and Atlantic-Midwest Communications Staff