Jane Johnson interviewed her aunt, Sister Marie Jeannette Blatz, SSND about her life and experiences as a School Sisters of Notre Dame as part of the national StoryCorps Archive. Sister Jeannette is currently living at Ozanam.
The StoryCorps Archive began in 2003 with interviews recorded in a StoryBooth in Grand Central Station in New York. It includes interviews recorded by StoryCorps via a Mobile Tour, StoryBooths in cities across the country such as Chicago and Atlanta, and through the StoryCorps App and StoryCorps Connect. New conversations are added every day by StoryCorps and by people from across the country. The StoryCorps Online Archive is preserved in the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.
On their website, StoryCorp states, "We believe that the StoryCorps Archive reflects our mission to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world."
You can listen to Sister Jeannette's interview with her niece, which is about 40-minutes long, here.
If you are interested in sharing your own story with StoryCorps, please reach out to Communications Director Caelie Haines (chaines@amssnd.org) to discuss your options.