SSND Watermark Connects with SSND Munich

By Sister Justine Nutz, SSND

Watermark Sisters help Munich SistersFor April Solidarity, Watermark sisters chose to help our Munich sisters who provide daily bag lunches for 50-60 poor men and women who come to the Motherhouse door at Noon Angelus time. Some are Turkish and Ukrainian refugees.

Sisters make sandwiches every day, adding juice, fruit, and sometimes candy. They knit hats, scarves, socks and mittens during the winter months.

This ministry started many years ago when Sisters began serving a sit-down meal of soup and hot lunch in a lovely dining room in the Motherhouse basement. The atmosphere was orderly, yet relaxed and friendly as Sisters and guests called each other by name and chatted together. Since Covid, hot meals stopped and bag lunches began.

Sister Ethel Howley integrated these facts into her homily at the April Friday Communion Service where the collection took place.

Watermark Sisters are happy to report that $1,000 was raised, helping our Munich Sisters to continue their wonderful ministry, while deepening connections within SSND.

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