On March 5th and 6th, Ministry Services offered its second virtual Ministry Formation Session. Nine participants in the Ministry Formation Program tuned in.
Patrick Laorden, Associate Director, explored St. Augustine’s life and his approach to leadership. St. Augustine emphasized the Trinity as the source, basis and goal of community life – as noted in the prologue of You are Sent. St. Augustine also identified community, building one another up and humility as essential dimensions to leadership.
Yvonne DeBruin, Director, presented on Leadership as Encounter. Yvonne explored five types of encounter leaders need to navigate: encounter with one another, encounter with self, encounter with the Triune God, encounter with the SSND mission and encounter with the unknown. Participants engaged in reflection questions and had opportunities to journal throughout.
Sister Kathleen Cornell, SSND presented on the General Chapters and Directional Statements 1987-2017. Participants explored the evolution of SSND as an international congregation, seen in the Directional Statements, which reveals a growing global consciousness and concern for the poor. Participants also reflected on their relationship to God, to one another and the universe in light of the Trinity.
One participant commented on their experience after Session II, “Great session! I appreciated the alignment between St. Augustine and Encounter.” Another remarked, “This was excellent and helped me to understand the charism on a deeper level.”