By Dorothea M. Wechselberger, ‘61, St. Michael’s Central High School, Chicago, IL
The School Sisters of Notre Dame sisters were great teachers! I had them all through Grammar (St. Alphonsus at 1439 W Wellington Avenue) and St. Michael Central High School.
We were also lucky because we were a terrifically diverse heritage assembly with German, Italian, Spanish, Irish, and African American girls. Some from the way south side and some from Cabrini Green joined the girls from the immediate neighborhood. We all got along well.
We had a terrific band, boys' basketball team and girls' cheerleading squad. The gym, band room, Chemistry and Biology labs, and lunchroom were great!
Our parents were blue collar. All of them worked very hard to send us to St Michael’s, and wanted us to succeed. It was a wonderful experience!
I’ve always been grateful to the School Sisters of Notre Dame.